XXL Ultra Big & Rare | Golden Barrel Cactus | Echinocactus Grusonii | Kroenleinia grusonii [Hybrid] Without Pot - 24 YRS OLD Cacti for Home
Rare Cactus, Very Rare ! AKA Mother-in-Law's Cushion
The Famous Italian Investor Mr. Attilio Bertone, purchased this same Product through this same particular Listing on Etsy & We always get the privilege of serving the Elite Class of Etsy.
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The golden barrel cactus plant (Echinocactus grusonii) is an attractive and cheerful specimen, rounded and growing to as much as three feet tall and three feet around much like a barrel, hence the name. Be careful, though, as it has long dangerous spines. As with many barrel cactus plants, the stiff yellow needles grow in clusters along ribs of the cactus.
➤ With Pot : NO
➤ Flower Colour : Pink
➤ Fragrance : Non-Fragrant
➤ Flowering Season : Summer
➤ Maintenance : Ultra-Low
➤ Genus : Plantae
➤ Size : "15-23" Inches (APRX) Single Head
: "10-16" Inches (APRX) Multi Head
➤ Sunlight Requirement : Outdoor Shade
➤ Native : Mexico
➤ Roots : Roots (Healthy Cutting)
➤ Grown : Without Chemicals
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